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Patient-Centric Projects

Human health and patient access to the proper treatment is our top priority. In addition to the products we provide, we are ready to support patients and their relatives at every step of their journey, by raising awareness on diseases and treatments in our work areas.
The primary purpose of our patient-centric projects is to give patients and their caregivers access to trusted information and raise awareness about diseases in society.


What makes us rare also makes us strong. Based on this belief, we launched a comic book with the characteristics, strengths, and struggles of children with rare diseases. The name of the superhero team is Nadir-X.

You can learn about rare diseases by reading the Nadir-X comic, which will cover three rare diseases for its first book, and witness the rare side of children with this disease, how strong they are, and their journey.

Check out Nadir-X (Link)

İyilik Genimizde Var is a website that has informational videos from healthcare professionals, 6-step donor compatibility test, and responses from specialists to frequently asked questions about stem cell and bone marrow donation. Our project aims to inform and raise awareness about the importance of bone marrow donation, ensure that the donor candidates do not give up on donating, and guide those who want to donate. 


Check out İyilik Genimizde Var (Link)


We aim to support Multiple Skleroz patients and their relatives in their journey and every aspect of their daily life.


Check out Her Adımda Yanınızda (Link)


We aim to inform patients with chronic kidney failure and their relatives in the dialysis process.  


Check out Diyalizle Yaşamak (Link)


With Ayağına İyi Bak, we aim to draw attention to diabetic foot problems, increase patients' quality of life, reduce complications, and reduce personal and social issues and economic costs caused by diabetic foot.


Check out İyilik Genimizde Var (Link)


We aim to inform patients with chronic kidney failure and their relatives in the dialysis process.  


Check out Diyalizle Yaşamak (Link)


GenSağlık is an informative source with articles from different diseases branches, prepared by specialist physicians or academic references. This project aims to prevent the spread of false information about diseases, treatments, and other health issues on the internet and provide accurate and reliable information about diseases.

Check out GenSağlık, Health Information Center. (Link) 


This project aims to prevent the spread of false information about diseases, treatments, and other health issues on the internet and provide accurate and reliable information about diseases.

Check out Net İle Yaşamak. (Link)


This project aims to provide information about the causes, early signs, and symptoms of the slowly developing disease Acromegaly, how the diagnostic process works, and the tests that healthcare professionals can use to evaluate Acromegaly and learn about treatment options.


Check out Akromegali İle Yaşam (Link)

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